Eastside Paintball Parties


Need a place to play now? Try ForestFire Paintball in Arlington.

Please READ THIS for a run-down of what we do.

2 Hour Group Rental w/200 Paintballs Deposit with Eastside Paintball

  • 2 hour of play
  • Complete set of rental gear including mask, marker and tank
  • 200 Paintballs per player
  • Available Any Day of the Week
  • Total Cost is $450 + tax for 10 players ($45 + tax for each additional player)
Total Cost:$450.00
Reservation Deposit:$100.00
Due on Play Date:$350.00

Reserve Now

3 Hour Group Rental w/300 Paintballs Deposit with Eastside Paintball

  • 3 hour of play
  • Complete set of rental gear including mask, marker and tank
  • 300 Paintballs per player
  • Available Any Day of the Week
  • Total Cost is $550 + tax for 10 players ($55 + tax for each additional player)
Total Cost:$550.00
Reservation Deposit:$100.00
Due on Play Date:$450.00

Reserve Now